Useful information about Batumi and Georgia
Prospects for the development of the Batumi real estate market
Even if you leave aside the benefits of living in one of the fastest growing resorts on the Black Sea, there is every reason for the attractiveness of the real estate market in Batumi.
To attract foreigners, the government strongly supports the minimization of bureaucratic barriers, and real estate prices are still very far from European. The quality of buildings is unprecedentedly high and in no way inferior to that offered in large metropolitan cities.
What types of real estate in Batumi are in demand
The rating of consumer demand for real estate in Batumi at the beginning of 2019 was as follows:
The reason for this demand is that even if buyers do not intend to use the real estate on their own, they expect to receive profit from the lease. Essentially it is a long-term investment proving the validity of the claim that & laquo; is better forty times once than not once forty times & raquo ;.
Personal presence during the execution of transactions is minimized this is another factor in favor of the attractiveness of real estate in Batumi.
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