Useful information about Batumi and Georgia
Batumi - the city of the future
This epithet most accurately describes the prospects of this Georgian city. In Batumi, there is a real construction boom. According to the authoritative publication International Investment, in 2019 it is expected that more than a twofold increase in the commissioning of residential and commercial real estate by the largest developers will take place. This circumstance strongly restrains the growth of apartment prices in all areas.
Profitability of real estate investment
The primary housing market in Batumi today & mdash; this is a lot of attractive offers in all segments from budget economy to luxury premium. More and more foreign citizens: Russians, French, Germans and residents of other European countries prefer & mdash; as objects for profitable investments. real estate in this seaside town.
Such investments provide a quick return on funds and high profitability with high security. Risk minimization is achieved by:
Batumi is a real paradise for tourists who are attracted by the favorable marine climate, the availability of entertainment and reasonable prices. They are willing to pay and homeowners get the opportunity to make good money by renting it out almost all year round. In summer, those who prefer beach vacations come to the city, and in winter & mdash; fans of games in legal casinos and mountain walks.