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Apartment 43 m² - Street Avenue of Heroes, Batumi

Price: $ 35 300

ID 1588

Created: 25.02.2019

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About the apartment
Total area, m²: 43.20
Furnishings: unfurnished
Bathroom: adjacent
Number of bathrooms: 1
Number of balconies: 1
Windows type: metal-plastic
Walls type: monolithic
Elevator: 2
Rooms: 1
Floor: 14
Stories: 32
  • City: Batumi
  • Located on the intersection of: Street Avenue of Heroes- street Niko Pirosmani
  • View: mountain view
  • to the old city: 3 km
  • to the airport: 3 km
  • Distance to the sea: 0 - 200 m
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Useful information about Batumi and Georgia

Batumi is transforming

& nbsp;

10 years ago it was a boring city with dilapidated houses. But with the advent of the port, Batumi became a strategically important facility. The rapid development of the economy attracted investors at various levels, and the city revived.

Now Batumi This is a first-class resort with luxury hotels and developed infrastructure. Each tourist can choose a lesson in preferences:

inspect & laquo; old & raquo; a city filled with the spirit of past centuries;

stroll along a busy boulevard with lots of entertainment;

feel like a seal & laquo; on the free beach;

visit the casino More than 10 gaming establishments in this city are open legally.

Fans of outdoor activities will be interested in climbing the mountains with cypress and juniper groves.

Get on time recipe for success

The number of large and small hotels with which the city is currently built is unable to accommodate everyone who wants to relax in Batumi. This year alone, there were 3 times more foreign tourists than the native inhabitants of the country, and there was a tendency to increase their number. Therefore, additional construction of hotels and residential complexes is planned.

A number of radical legislative reforms led to the extermination of corruption in the country, so you can complete a deal to acquire real estate within an hour. And since construction is only gaining momentum, housing prices are still an order of magnitude cheaper than in the untwisted Black Sea resorts. Have time to buy property in Batumi at these prices it means to secure a stable income in the future.

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