Useful information about Batumi and Georgia
Investing in Batumi real estate can be a very profitable business.
In recent years, Georgia has attracted investors from all over the world. The reason for this is the rapidly growing construction business. The flow of tourists has increased in the city, and accordingly they need to be accommodated somewhere. This idea prompted the power to invest in real estate:
in various areas of the city;
on the coastline;
in the coastal zone;
and even in the center an active construction of skyscrapers, apartments, hotels and guest houses began.
The reason for the increase in the flow of tourists is favorable conditions for business development. Batumi has a temperate climate, which warms on cold evenings and gives a break from the scorching rays of the sun when it leaves for sunset. The warm waters of the Black Sea Bay provide an opportunity to cool, and the wide coastline allows you to take a walk in earnest. In the winter, tourists go to the snow-capped peaks to admire the mountainous beauties of Georgia, to the botanical garden, which has about 5 thousand plant varieties.
Real estate investing is a great idea for those who value their time and know how to count and make money. The investment payback period is about 5 years, subject to the purchase of any apartment at 35 & nbsp; dollars.