Useful information about Batumi and Georgia
Real estate in Batumi - everything is just beginning
Apartment with sea view the dream of every citizen. But, unfortunately, millions of city dwellers see supermarkets, gray buildings, roads, car flows, and a string of always rushing passers-by from their windows at best. At worst factories, factories, vacant lots, garbage bins. & nbsp;
But everything can be radically changed! Today, the concept & laquo; ecology of life & raquo; from an abstract definition has turned into a deeply meaningful guide to action. People who care about the quality of life of their children, grandchildren, without looking back, abandon & laquo; hatched nests & raquo; and move to the Black Sea coast away from dirt, noise, chaos and psychological pressure of big cities. One of the centers of such a pilgrimage in recent years has become the capital of Adjara sunny Batumi. & nbsp;
The advantages of buying an apartment in Batumi are endless:
? Low prices;
? A huge selection of apartments for every taste and thickness of the wallet;
? Ease of execution and state guarantee of ownership;
? Soft utility tariffs;
? High investment attractiveness of investing in real estate.
In the rapidly developing Batumi, it is easy to find a job and also just open your own business. However, the decision to buy an apartment in Batumi eliminates both problems. Housing is highly demanded by vacationers and tourists who are ready to pay generously for rent throughout the year. And it's worth it.
The rich nature of the Black Sea coast, mild climate and plenty of sunshine, well-developed resort infrastructure, many entertainment venues, including legal casinos, provide endless tourist flows. Everything is just beginning in Batumi, but the dynamics are amazing, and the trend itself irreversible. Therefore, you can not hesitate. Then, when the prices of apartments in Batumi skyrocket, it will be too late.