Useful information about Batumi and Georgia
5 reasons to buy property in Batumi
The city of Batumi is called the city of the sun, love and happiness, which invariably settles in all the guests of this lovely place. In recent years, the city has been developing rapidly, admiring its dynamism and special atmosphere. Buy a property in Batumi means to make successful investments in your own standard of living, mood and, of course, health.
Reasons for buying a home:
Proximity to the sea. Even 20 days on the sea coast change health for the better, and if you live there permanently, you can simply forget about many problems.
The atmosphere of love and hospitality. Georgia almost the only country in the world where they know how and love to receive guests, giving them all their heart and soul.
Tasty and healthy food. The country's cuisine is famous for its tastes, many products are revealed here from a new perspective. Housing in Batumi will present new gastronomic discoveries.
Growth and change for the better. Batumi is actively developing, constantly updated and blooming before our eyes. Imagine what will happen to him in 10-15 years!
Affordable prices. Unlike many cities in Russia, in Batumi, the cost of housing noticeably differs in a favorable direction and is available to families with different income levels.
Finally, don't forget Georgia opens the gate to many world capitals. So, your housing will open before you new opportunities and a chance to see the world! While Batumi is available to Russians, it is worth taking advantage of this!