Useful information about Batumi and Georgia
Real estate market in Batumi: demand above supply
Tourist flows of Russians to Georgia are growing daily. In 2018 alone, more than 6 million international travelers visited this Transcaucasian country. One of the most popular places in the sunny republic is the city of Batumi, which surpasses many other Black Sea resorts in quality of service.
Realtors and developers in Batumi are already unable to cope with the influx of tourists. The conditions for rest of foreign guests are so attractive that demand is many times higher than supply. More and more people are abandoning the hot beaches of tropical countries and are eager to spend leisure time in hospitable and peaceful Georgia.
In Batumi, most of the housing and hotel facilities are located a short distance from the sea line. Therefore, many foreigners invest in resort real estate buy apartments, apartments and hostels, which bring year-round profit.
The traditions of hospitality are sacred in Georgia, which are expressed not only in rich gastronomy. The laws of the republic allow foreign citizens to freely buy any property for residents, the legal purchase procedure is as easy as possible and usually takes no more than 15 minutes.