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Apartment 58 m² - street Mezgvaurta, Chakvi

Price: $ 91 500

ID 1240

Created: 05.02.2019

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About the apartment
Total area, m²: 57.88
Layout: separate
Condition: after builders
Furnishings: unfurnished
Bathroom: adjacent
Number of bathrooms: 1
Number of balconies: 1
Windows type: metal-plastic
Walls type: monolithic
Elevator: 3
Rooms: 2
Floor: 7
Stories: 21
  • City: Chakvi
  • Located on the intersection of: street Mezgvaurta- street Mezgvaurta
  • to the airport: > 10 km
  • Distance to the sea: 0 - 200 m
  • View: sea view
  • to the old city: > 10 km
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Useful information about Batumi and Georgia

Lookouts Batumi

Batumi & mdash; A popular destination for tourists, refers to the most visited places. This is an ancient city with rich cultural traditions, warm sea, beautiful nature. An entertainment infrastructure is developed here, friendly people live, and in the holiday season the atmosphere of an endless holiday reigns.


Arriving in a beautiful unfamiliar place, many of us want to see it from a bird's eye view, which is why viewing platforms are popular with tourists. Batumi is no exception. Here you will be offered to enjoy the city beauties from the Ferris wheel from Wonderland Park, 55 meters high, you can also relax on the Alphabet Tower, which rises 130 meters. You can dine on it in the restaurant with local cuisine.

Gorgeous views of the mountains and surroundings open from the Argo cable car, and you will get an especially unforgettable experience from an evening walk during sunset.

Climb Mount Sameba & mdash; this can be done on foot, by bus or by taxi & mdash; and survey the city in a society of few tourists for this place. Well, the best place to see not only Batumi, but also the mountain Adjarian landscapes is the Cross over the Gonio Fortress.

There are several viewing platforms in skybaras located on the hotel terraces (Hilton, Sheraton, etc.).

In Batumi, you can enjoy your vacation to the maximum & mdash; the atmosphere of celebration, carefree and friendliness will accompany you everywhere!

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