Useful information about Batumi and Georgia
Bird Yard on Boulevard
A walk along Batumi Boulevard, full of many pleasant surprises. One of such finds for city guests is a fenced bird's yard. It is located in the central part of the boulevard, near the Sheraton Hotel.
& laquo; Bird Courtyard & raquo; It is a site fenced by a low fence with a small artificial pond. Most of the birds waterfowl, but there are peacocks with parrots. All birds like the attention of people: both locals and tourists. They are gullible, domesticated and love to pose. Peacocks look beautiful when they fan out their tails. Since the fence is not high, many children are happy to stroke the birds, which are suitable for the next portion of delicious treats.
Parrots and songbirds live in large cages, their tweets are heard far beyond the fence. From waterfowl on the boulevard you can see ducks, swans, pelicans.
& laquo; Bird Courtyard & raquo; one of the many thematic islands scattered along the promenade, besides it there is a “Japanese kindergarten”, fountains with unique bronze figurines, a large chessboard, ping-pong equipment, etc. The landscaped embankment is an excellent bonus to an apartment in Batumi.