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Apartment 63 m² - street Lech and Maria Kaczynski, Batumi

Price: $ 166 400

ID 1167

Created: 31.01.2019

About the apartment
Total area, m²: 63.03
Layout: open plan
Condition: after builders
Furnishings: unfurnished
Bathroom: not specified
Number of bathrooms: 1
Number of balconies: 1
Windows type: metal-plastic
Walls type: monolithic
Elevator: not specified
Rooms: 2
Floor: 10
Stories: 13
  • City: Batumi
  • Located on the intersection of: street Lech and Maria Kaczynski- street Airport highway
  • to the old city: 7 km
  • to the airport: < 1 km
  • Distance to the sea: 0 - 200 m
  • View: sea view
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Useful information about Batumi and Georgia

Restoration work on the old part of Tbilisi

The accomplished idea of reconstructing the old part of the city also laid down the super-task: to demonstrate what it is & mdash; clearly, in kind, and not on a project or in words; restored old city? And when the restored Baratashvili street opened in all its glory, which began as an ordinary highway, and as a result of the work that turned into a national treasury, all the most daring forecasts were more than justified. Such a unanimous approval in all segments of the population of the republic does not remember a single work of art. Full and unconditional approval of the leadership of the city and the republic, which carried out huge organizational work and allocated significant funds from a variety of sources, the unprecedented enthusiasm of the townspeople, literally turning into jubilation, & mdash; almost spontaneously gave birth to a truly folk holiday & laquo; Tbilisoba & raquo ;.
This annual holiday, which was held for the fourth time in autumn 1982 and which, without exaggeration, became the most beloved and massive traditional holiday in Georgia, was born, and it is the architects who must not forget this, from the architectural ensemble. And the ancient fortress wall with a number of restored picturesque houses, overlooking a noisy and busy transport highway, has become the beginning of large-scale reconstruction and regeneration of the old buildings. For each holiday, Tbilisi workers are handing over a large volume of the reconstructed part of the old city.
Also on the busy highway, on the right embankment of the Kura River, is the restored area of the old city, which is a kind of natural extension of Baratashvili Street. A knitting factory was liquidated here, a number of small, low-value houses and sheds were removed. In the cleared environment, the oldest in Tbilisi eleventh century basilica & mdash; Anchinshati.
In the picturesque line with the basilica there is a children's art gallery, a branded store of soft drinks, a society for the protection of monuments, a restaurant with national cuisine and a number of characteristic residential buildings with courtyards. Reconstruction of the central districts of Tbilisi Pedestrian and shopping streets of Tbilisi are given great attention during the design. A very interesting result is promised by the already begun work on the regeneration of the main artery of the medieval city passing along Shavteli Street, Irakli Square and Zion Street. It will be a pedestrian highway, a real tourist Mecca. Here are the main city cathedral of Sioni, the royal palace complex, several impressive caravanserais, the palace of the Exarch, numerous trade craft shops, original, multi-purpose residential buildings. The street, which starts from the gate in the fortress wall on Baratashvili Street, is laid parallel to the Kure River and reaches the Metekhi Bridge. The beginning and end of this pedestrian street have already been reconstructed, however, there is still a lot of work to do, the biggest difficulty of which is to evict part of the tenants and the mass of storage and production enterprises.
There is no doubt that in the near future Sion Street will turn into a favorite place of citizens and numerous guests of Tbilisi as a shopping and craft center in a colorful art environment. For pedestrians only, the Shavteli street (formerly the Dark Row) was reconstructed. This small but surprisingly picturesque street is named after the French traveler Jean Chardin, who, in 1672, having visited Tbilisi, left truly invaluable material: a large number of drawings and descriptions of the city at that time. the regeneration of the trade and craft street of Sharden, as well as the adjoining area, the Cotton and Iron rows, etc., was carried out with great tact and taste in the workshop under the guidance of architect G. Baratashvili. And by the same workshop, architect I. Orbeladze restored the construction of Krasilnaya Street. And, finally, following our very conditionally accepted classification, and picturesque, striking examples of reconstruction can be attributed the restoration of a street, Metekhsky and Vinny Uplifts, Metekhsky brow. Kibalchicha Street, as it were, completes the prospect of Baratashvili Street and the new bridge, organically linking the left and right banks of the river and creating an integral ensemble.
This small street is framed by a natural amphitheater, located around the monument to the great Georgian poet Baratashvili and with its one-sided, but multi-tiered, multi-terraced buildings, it overlooks the Kura basin, the esplanade of a two-tiered bridge and the wide expanse of Baratashvili Street, directly on the axis of which the Holy Mountain & raquo Mtatsminda with funicular and television tower.

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