Useful information about Batumi and Georgia
Museums in Batumi
In Transcaucasia, where there are few ethnic groups that consider themselves an independent people, they relate with great trepidation and respect to the history of the region, ethnographic features, culture, etc. As a result of this relationship, small Batumi became the owner of a dozen different museums. The most significant of them.
The museum of local lore has a rich collection of exhibits, there are about 180 & nbsp; 000 of them. By visiting the museum you can get acquainted with the history of the city and the region as a whole, learn a lot of interesting things. This museum has been operating since the last century and is the oldest in Adjara.
Archaeological Museum on the street Chavchavadze 77. The museum presents the history of Adjara from ancient (prehistoric) and ancient times. Visitors will see gold and clay artifacts testifying to the development of pre-Christian civilization in the territory of southwestern Georgia.
On the street Gorgiladze (Gorky) is the Museum of Art, the collection of which presents not only the works of contemporary artists of Adjara, but also of Georgia as a whole.
In recent years, another small, interesting Nobel Brothers Museum of Technology has been opened. To be honest, there was no Nobel office in Batumi, since this market was already occupied by local entrepreneurs and philanthropists Mantashev and Aramyants. But, for some reason, the museum was opened, and it turned out to be very interesting. It is located near the Opera House.
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