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Apartment 173 m² - street Lech and Maria Kaczynski, Batumi

Price: $ 294 200

ID 1031

Created: 11.01.2019

About the apartment
Total area, m²: 173.04
Living area, m²: 168.00
Layout: open plan
Condition: after builders
Number of balconies: 2
Natural gas: connection is possible
Walls type: monolithic
Elevator: 4
Rooms: 2
Floor: 15
Stories: 24
  • City: Batumi
  • Located on the intersection of: street Lech and Maria Kaczynski- street Grigol Lortkipanidze
  • to the airport: 2 km
  • Distance to the sea: 0 - 200 m
  • to the old city: 5 km
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Useful information about Batumi and Georgia

Theaters in Batumi

Tourist Batumi cannot be a full-fledged resort if it does not attract with its cultural program. In a small town there are several theaters, each of which carries a certain load.

The main and oldest in the city is the Drama Theater. It is located at the very beginning of Rustaveli Street. In front of the theater is a beautiful kindergarten with a sculptural composition & laquo; Neptune & raquo; in the center. The theater operates regularly; performances take place on weekends. The Drama Theater often hosts foreign guests who visit the city with their programs.

Cinema & laquo; Apollo & raquo; also located in the heart of the Old Town. It can be called chamber, despite the presence of only one hall, there are always empty seats in it.

Another theater was allocated a place in the city center on the seaside boulevard. This is the original building of the Summer Theater, which is especially beautiful in night illumination. The building is a new building, but an exact copy of its predecessor, burned down in 2001. Like the first, the new theater is completely wooden.

The building of the Batumi Opera House was built in the last century. It housed the Institute of Arts, then it was converted into a music center and, finally, after reconstructing the interior and exterior, they got an original, beautiful theater, where world-class stars enjoy showing their talent. & Nbsp; & nbsp;

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