Useful information about Batumi and Georgia
Real estate in Batumi - what could be better?
Despite the constant & laquo; tears & raquo; from TV screens about poverty, a huge number of people who have money, first of all, try to increase it. Few of them keep their funds at home or invest in a bank deposit. Instead, it’s better, and most importantly, to invest in real estate more efficiently. Thus, you can receive a stable income, and in which case, real estate can always be sold.
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& nbsp; & nbsp; If you are ready to invest, but have not yet made a choice, look at what is happening in Georgia today. It has become a completely different country than it was any 5 years ago:
the infrastructure has completely changed, and to this day the construction of new facilities of European quality is ongoing;
property taxes simply disappeared, and purchase / sale transactions are carried out within an hour;
due to the presence of all the benefits for a good rest (Black Sea, mountains, clubs, beaches, legal casinos, etc.), millions of tourists come here every year, which saves you from having to look for guests
& nbsp; & nbsp; You yourself see that owning real estate in Batumi it is really beneficial, and in every sense of the word.